Volume 1, Issue 3, June 2023

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Click here to view the current issue of Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly


Full academic papers and supplemental materials can be viewed at the links below:


The Conundrum of Scope 3 Emissions for Corporate Reporting, by Paul A. Griffin and Estelle Y. Sun


Greenwashing and CEO Integrity, by Christian Hofmann and Rafael Zacherl


Management Accounting and Decarbonization Strategies - How heavy industry is embracing new strategies and novel accounting tools for decarbonization, by Marcel Metzner and Anette Mikes


You Can’t Spell ESG Without I, by Lars Pedersen and Sveinung Jørgensen


Executive Compensation for Sustainability Accountability By Frederic Barge and Joost Witteman


Founding Editors

Jan Bouwens, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Chairman of the Accounting Department, University of Amsterdam

Peter Easton, Academic Director, Center for Accounting Research and Education, Notre Dame Alumni Professor of Accountancy, University of Notre Dame

W Robert Knechel, Frederick E Fisher Eminent Scholar; Director, International Accounting and Auditing Center, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida; Senior Editor, The Accounting Review; Professor, University of Auckland and University of New South Wales

Shiva Rojgopal, Roy Bernard Kester and T.W. Byrnes Professor of Accounting and Auditing, Columbia Business School

Editorial Manager: Lorie Marsh, Program Manager, Center for Accounting Research and Education, University of Notre Dame


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