Murphy Paper Accepted by Journal of Business Law and Ethics Pedagogy

Author: Lorie Marsh

Tonia Murphy’s paper, “Law in the Time of Coronavirus: How and Why to Cover Coronavirus Disruptions in a Business Law or Legal Environment Course,” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Law and Ethics Pedagogy (Vol. 3(1)). Here is the abstract:


Businesses face an array of legal challenges connected with the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Students will have natural interest in relating the virus that has upended their lives to course material. This paper advises on best practices for teaching in the aftermath of traumatic events. It contains materials and specific suggestions for covering coronavirus-related issues throughout a Business Law or Legal Environment course. It links to over fifty resources, including video clips, court rulings, government and law firm advisories, news reports, law reviews, company press releases, and actual contracts.  The materials equip professors to incorporate coverage of the pandemic in a knowledgeable, sensitive, and effective manner—integrating legal concepts with broader practical and strategic questions.